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Star trek does acknowledge on their site that they were inspired by the nasa logo (nasa was established in 1958): For those excitedly tweeting that trump stole the star trek logo!!!!, the patch on the left was the existing air force command logo.
task_force_73_patch_by_sparrow794d5lkxqj.png (2000×2000
Star trek aired its first episode—”the man trap“—at 8:30pm on september 8, 1966.

Space force logo star trek. “in the star trek universe, the delta emblem is a direct descendant of the vector component of the old nasa (and later uespa) logos in use during earth’s space programs of the 20th and 21st centuries. According to an article on star trek's website, the starfleet emblem is a direct descendant of the vector component of the old nasa (and later uespa) logos.. Donald trump says ‘we will control the ultimate high ground’ as he launches new military service trump reveals new space force logo and it looks a lot like star trek's
The space force logo is brand new, while the star trek symbol (or its variants) have been in the public eye since the television show launch in 1966. Air force space command emblem, which dates back decades. With that, and with star trek:
Those symbols were worn by. A space force general’s acu uniform. Trump unveils new logo nearly identical to starfleet command logo.
But the new logo is really just a riff on the original u.s. Many fans were quick to joke about how the united states government needs to. The us air force’s space command logo on patches in 1961 predate the very first star trek episode.
But as conservative analyst john noonan, an aide to sen. The space force twitter account posted a series of tweets outlining the logic behind the logo’s various elements, which are all based around a delta symbol. The star trek insignia was itself a derivation of early us air force and nasa designs.
John noonan tweeted the above just after the space force furore began, alerting the twittersphere to the fact that the logo already looked a lot like the starfleet command one from star trek. But if it is a case of imitation, then the plagiarism may not be new: For those excitedly tweeting that trump stole the star trek logo!!!!, the patch on the left was the existing air force command logo.
The space force also cribbed a design element from nasa's meatball logo by reversing the path of the white. Space force on twitter, where users were quick to point out its similarities to the symbol for the fictional starfleet, from the famous tv franchise star trek. Trump unveiled the official logo for the space force on friday and was instantly jeered and cheered by star trek fans who say the design boldly goes beyond the line of borrowing…
Space force logo treads on decidedly familiar territory. Space force or star trek? President donald trump's space force logo has boldly gone where star trek has gone before.
For those excitedly tweeting that trump stole the star trek logo!!!!, the patch on the left was the existing air force command logo. The same one i wore as a lieutenant in 2005. The logo is probably where the resemblance between space force and starfleet ends, unless we’ve completely misjudged trump that is.
Star trek comparisons have dogged space force ever since it unveiled its official seal, which resembles the logo for starfleet command. Trump unveiled the logo for the u.s. The same one i wore as a lieutenant in 2005.
For those excitedly tweeting that trump stole the star trek logo!!!!, the patch on the left was the existing air force command logo. The trek delta shaped insignia appears on the shirts of. By sophie lewis january 24, 2020 / 10:18 pm / cbs news
The same one i wore as a lieutenant in 2005. Picard making its debut the day before, it was. Is the starfleet logo distinctive?
Yesterday, the united states space force unveiled its official seal. A diagram released by space force explains its logo’s various elements. Yes, the space force logo and star trek's famous starfleet logo are very similar.
Star trek ‘ s pilot episode, “the cage”, was completed between november 1964 and january 1965. Us president donald trump unveiled the logo of space force on friday, attracting critics who said america's newest military branch had boldly gone where star trek went before. The design also resembles a golden pin awarded to nasa astronauts in the 1960s, per the article.
So, first came the logo from nasa, then starfleet, then air force space command, and now space force. It’s unlikely trump actually is trying to create a post. This deep dive into the history and symbolism behind space.
The logo is strikingly similar to that of the air force space command that was founded in 1982 and succeeded by space force in december 2019. President trump on friday unveiled the new logo for the space force, america's newest branch of the military, and it looks a lot like the emblem for the starfleet command from the show star trek. And among the people to point that out was michael okuda, a longtime star trek.
The seal makes prominent use of the delta symbol. Space force is the sixth branch of the us military alongside the army, marine corps, navy, air force. The design quickly drew comparisons to insignia from star trek after it was.
Ubisoft has opted to revamp certain aspects of their game this time around, and there is a larger emphasis on customization in valhalla. It is small, easy to do, and only true fans will know what’s it about.
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Latest assassins creed tattoo design

Assassins creed logo tattoo. Ver más ideas sobre assassins creed, assassin's creed simbolo, logo de assassins creed. So for my next tattoo i was thinking about ac logo. Assassins creed tattoo assassins creed series assessin creed epic tattoo unity videos geek stuff symbols tattoo ideas.
Assassins creed tattoo on finger for men. There are many versions of this logo, with the general shape being that of an “a” but without the crossmark. The simplicity of this emblem lends itself well to a stylized tribal design or even trash polka, which uses heavy black ink with dramatic splashes.
Designed a tattoo for my best friend, based on pisces and the logo of the assassin's creed game saga. Assassin's creed valhalla summary : Assassin's creed valhalla is now released on all platforms all over the world.
The new assassin's creed logo. Check out the top 50+ assassin's creed all symbols backgrounds for desktop and mobile devices. How should i position my future assassin's creed logo tattoo?
Veja mais ideias sobre tatuagens, assassin's creed, tatoo. Balance of truth assassins creed 🗡 dm to book an appointment. Assassins creed logo in dreamcatcher tattoo design.
In assassin's creed valhalla, become eivor, a mighty viking raider and lead your clan from the harsh shores of norway to a new home amid the lush farmlands of. Each new version matches the country or region the story is set in, the sects. Assassins creed logo tattoo design.
See more ideas about assassins creed tattoo, assassins creed, creed. Assassins creed tattoo behind the ear. Today is also the launch day of the xbox series x/s , and valhalla is a fantastic title to pick up on launch.
Assassins creed tattoo on back leg by mai minamino. Available on xbox series x|s, xbox one, playstation®4, epic games store, ubisoft store on windows pc, as well as on ubisoft+, and stadia. A logo assassins creed tattoo as the one in the photo is an excellent choice for beginners!
Ver más ideas sobre logo de assassins creed, assassins creed, assassin's creed simbolo. Assassin's creed valhalla summary : Assassin's creed valhalla summary :
Deviantart is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. Our assassin’s creed valhalla oxenefordscire map and guide will show you the locations of every nickel ingots, cargo, ability, gear, world event, animus anomaly, fly agaric hallucination. More like assassin's creed logo tattoo commission by kerae.
Assassins creed with angel wings tattoo design. Celtic assassins creed tattoo design. Assassins creed tattoo tatouage assassins creed arte assassins creed assassins creed odyssey the assassin spartanischer helm logo d'art assassin's creed wallpaper thanos avengers.
Assassins creed tattoo design on right forearm. Instead, those who want to track down the tattoo will need to pretty much know exactly where it is located. Black and grey tribal assassins creed tattoo design.
In assassin's creed valhalla, become eivor, a mighty viking raider and lead your clan from the harsh shores of norway to a new home amid the lush farmlands of. I wouldn't want the logo from i game i don't like. This logo is present in assassin’s creed valhalla as a tattoo.
Assassin’s creed tattoo ideas @u_genetattoo on instagram. Assassins creed tattoo on forearm by beanie2888. I'm getting a tattoo like that as well!!
#tattoo #tattoos #tattooart #empireinks #axysrotary #blackclawcartridges #assassinscreed #gamer Alternately, the assassin’s creed logo would be an ideal choice for a smaller piece. In assassin's creed valhalla, become eivor, a mighty viking raider and lead your clan from the harsh shores of norway to a new home amid the lush farmlands of.
Our assassin’s creed valhalla lunden map and guide will show you the locations of every nickel ingot, gear, world event, flyting, and flying paper in the region. It is the assassins creed symbol. Assassins creed logo and symbol, meaning, history, png in spite of the multiple modifications the assassins creed logo has gone through, it has stayed basically consistent.
In an interview with game rant, the assassin's creed sisterhood founder explains what the movement is about and common misconceptions it endures. Assassins creed logo tattoo on shoulder for men. You can get it on your arm, chest, or anywhere you want!
41 78 64k (1 today) by girthehomicidalsquee |. Where to find the ac sisterhood logo tattoo this isn't exactly an easy collectible for players to track down, because ubisoft doesn't just hand it over to them. In assassin's creed valhalla, become eivor, a mighty viking raider and lead your clan from the harsh shores of norway to a new home amid the lush farmlands of.
Assassins creed tattoo on left shoulder by tarburz. And i love it, so after this covid thing ends, i'm going to. Assassin's creed valhalla’s advanced rpg mechanics gives you new ways to blaze your own path across england.
I fell in love with the design for valhalla, and i waited for the game to come out so i know if i like it. Is it a real tattoo? Assassin's creed valhalla summary :
Assassins creed tattoo design sample. Spearheaded by bob gale (screenwriter for back to the future) and joe kaminkow (leader of data east pinball, now known as stern pinball), tattoo assassins was designed to be data east's answer.
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* basketball hall of fame * jerry west was inducted into the basketball hall of fame in 1980. Being born on 28 may 1938, jerry west is 82 years old as of today’s date 2nd december 2020.
“Kobe Bryant passes Jerry West for the secondmost assists
Following his job as a manager, he became the general manager of the los angeles lakers in 1982 after working as a scout for 3 years.

Jerry west career finals record. One of the most successful and respected figures in the history of the nba, jerry west joined the golden state warriors as an executive board member on may 20, 2011. Jerry west is linked with the successes of the 80s and. Jerry west playoffs game log.
May 28, 1938 in chelyan, west virginia us college: West stepped down after the season. One of the most successful and respected figures in the history of the nba, jerry west owns a list of accomplishments as both a player and front office executive that is unmatched in league history:
Outside, cabin creek comet) position: Jerry west executive board member. East bank in east bank, west virginia
After his playing career ended, west took over as head coach of the lakers for three years. His height is 1.88 m tall, and his weight is 84 kg. By the way, fun story, worthy landed with the.
Point guard and shooting guard shoots: In the 1965 playoffs, west averaged 40.6 ppg over 11 contests; Jerry west profile and basic stats jerry west information including teams, jersey numbers, championships won, awards, stats and everything about the nba player.
East bank in east bank, west virginia Outside, cabin creek comet) position: Because of that, west is often defending lebron james' honor and did so again saturday.
In 2018, jerry west received the nba's lifetime achievement award. West led the lakers to the nba finals nine times in his illustrious career, but only came away with one nba championship. Clutch, zeke from cabin creek, the logo, mr.
May 28, 1938 in chelyan, west virginia us college: * finals mvp * in 1969 jerry west was the first finals mvp and the only one selected from the losing team. After scoring his sixth point in game 5 on friday night, the los angeles lakers superstar forward joined jerry west as the only players in nba finals.
Heinsohn, johnson and west have all made 9 finals appearance throughout their career, but heinsohn has won the most titles with 8. West began his coaching career in 1976 and made it to the nba finals in the 3 seasons he featured in the position. Jerry west, american basketball player, coach, and general manager who spent 40 noteworthy years with the los angeles lakers of the national basketball association (nba) and was depicted in the nba logo.
Jerry west, the greatest nba player to never win an mvp award. In game 3 of the 1970 nba finals, jerry west hit one of the most iconic shots in postseason history. The lakers were defeated six times in the finals by their arch rival, the boston celtics.
West was inducted into the naismith basketball hall of fame in 1980 and voted as one of the 50 greatest players in nba history in 1996. Clutch.” whether it was bad luck, bad timing, or something else, jerry west’s career does not properly explain his greatness, and his lack of a most valuable player trophy only reinforces the point. He helped the lakers win a championship in 1972.
In the 1960 nba draft, the minneapolis lakers chose jerry west with the second overall pick behind robertson. In his first season, heinsohn was voted rookie of the year over bill russell, his teammate with the celtics. West holds the nba record for the highest points per game average in a playoff series with 46.3
Learn more about west’s life and career. Well, that's jerry west's career in. Because of that, west is often defending lebron james' honor and did so again saturday.
Jerry west coaching & executive career. Jerry was the third player in nba history to score 25,000 career points (after wilt chamberlain and oscar robertson). He led los angeles into the playoffs each year and earned a western conference finals berth once.
Another day, another record for lebron james. His work has appeared on xxl, cuepoint , business insider , the cauldron. West is the only player to win finals mvp from a losing team.
Clutch, zeke from cabin creek, the logo, mr. Shooting guard and point guard shoots: He averaged 30.4 points (51.9 ts%), 7.6 rebounds and 6.2 assists in those nine games.
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Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable rf and rm images. Though its official color palette is monochrome, the emblem can be seen in different combinations, depending on the needs and background. The kobe bryant logo is composed of an abstract geometric symbol, consisting of six segments, which make up a figure, resembling a sword.
He played 20 seasons, receiving a personal emblem. Kobe bryant's sheath logo is the one by which fans will remember him for years to come, but many are hoping that bryant's legacy will be cemented in another logo: Lakers give closer look at kobe bryant ‘black mamba’ jerseys to be worn on 8/24.
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Lakers debut new jersey patches, court logo to memorialize kobe bryant new, 16 comments the lakers are going to pay tribute to kobe bryant in just about every way possible, starting tonight. There is a white star on the k. Kobe bryant is an nba professional american basketball player who played as an offensive defender for the los angeles lakers team.
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Nobody on the floor could stop the man wearing no. Black hoodie 8 24 2 mamba mentality japanese letters. Bryant was one of the first players to take basketball shoes light and low.
Covington has also been an outspoken opponent of the black lives. Have signed an online petition asking the nba to change its logo to feature kobe bryant,. 5 out of 5 stars (72) 72 reviews $ 29.90 free shipping favorite add to.
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Search results for black mamba kobe logo vectors. It was developed by the famous sports company nike and placed as a label on the 4th version of air huarache 2k5 brand shoes. Kobe 24 8 mamba, kobe bryant black mamba, kobe 24 mamba, kobe 24 8, kobe 24 8 alt, kobe 24 ever, kobe, kobe bryant, kobe 8 24, kobe 8, kobe bryant lakers, kobe.
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- measles
- measure
- measurement
- mechanical
- medan
- medical
- meets
- mehandi
- melanoma
- membuat
- meme
- memes
- mendoan
- meningitis
- menjeng
- mens
- mentega
- menu
- merah
- merge
- mermaid
- metal
- mete
- michaels
- michigan
- microsoft
- microwave
- midnight
- mijello
- miku
- mild
- mileage
- milk
- milo
- minecraft
- mini
- minuman
- minute
- mirzapur
- mission
- mixer
- mnemonic
- mobile
- model
- modeling
- modern
- moderna
- moles
- molly
- monday
- money
- monitor
- monroe
- moon
- moose
- most
- motivation
- motorcycle
- mountain
- mountains
- mouse
- movie
- moving
- mpasi
- mrna
- much
- mucha
- mudah
- mudge
- mugs
- multiplication
- murah
- mural
- murals
- muscle
- musharna
- Music
- mutant
- mute
- myford
- myth
- naga
- nama
- name
- nanoparticle
- narayan
- narrow
- naruto
- nasi
- nastar
- nationalism
- native
- nativity
- nature
- nautical
- navajo
- navdurga
- navy
- near
- necktie
- need
- needle
- neha
- neon
- nescafe
- nespresso
- netflix
- neutral
- News
- nice
- nick
- night
- nike
- nila
- ninja
- nissan
- noah
- nonprofit
- norman
- norte
- north
- notary
- note
- notebook
- notification
- nouns
- novembre
- number
- numbers
- nurse
- nursery
- nutrition
- nutritional
- oasis
- obat
- ocean
- office
- official
- often
- ohio
- olahan
- olympics
- ombre
- onde
- online
- open
- orange
- order
- oreo
- organizer
- oriental
- origin
- originals
- orlando
- oseng
- outdoor
- outlet
- outlook
- outside
- oven
- over
- oversized
- oxygen
- pack
- pages
- pain
- paint
- painting
- paintings
- paints
- pakai
- palsy
- pancake
- pancong
- pandan
- panel
- panoramic
- panther
- pantone
- paper
- paperwhite
- para
- paragraph
- paria
- parions
- paris
- parivar
- park
- parker
- parts
- pass
- password
- past
- pasta
- pastel
- patch
- patike
- patio
- patricia
- pattern
- patterns
- payouts
- peacock
- peda
- peel
- peeling
- pelangi
- pemdas
- pempek
- pencil
- pencils
- pengertian
- pentol
- peonies
- peony
- pepes
- perennial
- period
- personalized
- perth
- petis
- pets
- pfizer
- phoenix
- phone
- phones
- phonics
- photo
- photography
- photos
- photoshop
- pics
- picture
- pictures
- piece
- pier
- pillowfort
- pillows
- pindang
- pine
- pineapple
- pink
- pirate
- pirex
- pisang
- pixel
- pixelmon
- place
- plain
- planet
- planner
- plans
- plant
- plants
- plaques
- plated
- plates
- play
- playlist
- playstation
- plein
- plug
- plus
- pneumonia
- pocoyo
- poem
- pokemon
- policy
- polio
- polynesian
- pool
- pornhub
- porsi
- portfolio
- portrait
- positive
- posters
- potatoes
- potter
- powder
- ppsv23
- practice
- practitioner
- praktis
- pray
- prefixes
- pregnant
- prek
- premium
- preparez
- preschool
- preschoolers
- prestige
- pretty
- price
- pricelist
- pride
- princess
- printable
- printables
- printer
- prints
- prism
- privacy
- produce
- production
- program
- promo
- promoters
- prompts
- propose
- protect
- publish
- puding
- pukis
- pulsar
- pumpkin
- pumpkins
- pumps
- puppy
- pura
- purchase
- purple
- purwokerto
- putih
- puzzles
- pyramid
- quadratic
- quadrilaterals
- quaker
- quality
- quantum
- queen
- quest
- quickly
- quilted
- quinn
- quinoa
- quote
- quotes
- quotient
- rabbit
- rabies
- race
- radha
- radhe
- raid
- railroad
- rain
- rainbow
- rainforest
- raised
- raleigh
- rapuh
- rare
- rayner
- rays
- reaction
- read
- readiness
- reading
- real
- reasons
- reboot
- reception
- recipe
- reconstruction
- record
- recycled
- redwood
- refinish
- refresh
- regal
- region
- register
- registry
- release
- remodeling
- remote
- removable
- removal
- remove
- remover
- rendang
- rental
- rentals
- renyah
- replace
- reprezentacija
- repsol
- rescue
- research
- resep
- resin
- resolution
- respiration
- restart
- retaining
- retro
- reusable
- reveal
- rfid
- rica
- riddle
- rifle
- ring
- rings
- risoles
- rock
- rockwell
- rogue
- roku
- rolade
- roles
- roll
- romantic
- roof
- room
- rose
- roses
- ross
- roti
- rover
- royalty
- royco
- rubicon
- rufflet
- rujak
- ruler
- rules
- rumahan
- running
- russia
- rustic
- sable
- safari
- safe
- safety
- sagu
- sala
- salad
- sale
- sales
- salle
- salute
- samarinda
- sambal
- same
- sample
- samples
- sams
- samsung
- sans
- santan
- santos
- sapi
- sapphire
- sarang
- sarnia
- sate
- saus
- save
- sawi
- saxon
- sayur
- scandal
- scene
- scenes
- scenic
- schedule
- science
- sconces
- scottish
- screen
- screensaver
- screensavers
- script
- sculpture
- seafoam
- search
- seashell
- season
- seasons
- seblak
- second
- secret
- secure
- security
- sederhana
- seel
- segar
- selatan
- selena
- self
- semarang
- semi
- semut
- send
- seniors
- sensual
- sentence
- sentences
- sequence
- serangan
- serealia
- serenity
- series
- service
- services
- setengah
- sets
- seven
- shade
- shakespeare
- shape
- share
- sheet
- sheets
- sherawali
- shield
- shift
- shingles
- shipping
- shirt
- shiv
- shiva
- shoes
- shop
- shops
- Short
- shot
- should
- shoulder
- show
- shower
- shree
- shri
- sick
- side
- siemens
- sight
- sign
- signature
- signs
- silk
- silver
- silvia
- simping
- simple
- singapore
- singer
- singkong
- siobak
- siomay
- sirup
- sirva
- sites
- sitting
- size
- sizer
- skateboard
- skin
- skinny
- skyline
- skype
- sleeping
- sleeves
- slideshow
- slime
- slippers
- small
- smart
- smartphone
- smoke
- snapchat
- sneakers
- snorlax
- snowfall
- sofa
- software
- solo
- solon
- song
- songs
- sonntag
- sony
- soothing
- sophisticated
- sorority
- soto
- sotong
- soul
- sound
- soundbar
- sounds
- soundtrack
- source
- south
- space
- spark
- speaker
- speakers
- special
- spelling
- spesial
- splash
- split
- spoof
- Sport
- sportrs
- sports
- square
- star
- starburst
- stars
- start
- starter
- state
- status
- stay
- steak
- steam
- steamer
- steel
- steelers
- steep
- step
- stick
- sticker
- stickers
- stik
- stiletto
- stilettos
- stock
- stockholm
- stone
- store
- stores
- story
- strangles
- strawberry
- stream
- strip
- stripe
- strongest
- structure
- student
- study
- stuff
- stuffed
- stump
- stup
- style
- stylish
- subjective
- succulent
- suffixes
- summarizing
- sunda
- sunday
- sunflower
- sunset
- super
- superhero
- supply
- surabaya
- susu
- suwir
- swami
- swamy
- sweet
- swim
- swimwear
- switch
- sword
- syllable
- symptoms
- sync
- system
- table
- tablet
- tacoma
- tahu
- tahun
- take
- tamil
- tampa
- tangled
- tank
- tanpa
- tape
- tapestry
- tattoo
- tawar
- taxes
- teacher
- teachers
- teal
- team
- teams
- technology
- teddy
- teen
- teeth
- teflon
- television
- tell
- telur
- tempe
- templ
- template
- templates
- tenggorokan
- terang
- teri
- terigu
- teriyaki
- tesla
- test
- tetanus
- texas
- text
- texture
- thailand
- thanksgiving
- theater
- their
- theme
- themed
- then
- therapeutic
- there
- thin
- things
- third
- this
- throw
- thursday
- tickets
- ticking
- tighten
- tiktok
- tile
- tiles
- time
- timed
- timeline
- times
- timun
- tint
- tintin
- tips
- tiram
- tires
- toddler
- toddlers
- tomat
- tongkol
- tool
- tooth
- tote
- touch
- towel
- towels
- tower
- toyota
- toys
- tracing
- tracker
- tracking
- train
- transfer
- transparan
- transparent
- travel
- treated
- tree
- trees
- trek
- trending
- trial
- triangular
- tribal
- tropical
- trusses
- tsheets
- tumblr
- tumis
- tundra
- tune
- turbo
- turkey
- turn
- turtle
- turtles
- tuscan
- tutorial
- twinrix
- twitch
- type
- types
- udaipur
- udang
- uefa
- ukulele
- ukuran
- ulat
- ultra
- under
- understanding
- underwater
- unearned
- unemployment
- uneven
- ungkep
- unicorn
- unique
- unit
- university
- unlimited
- unlocked
- unsplash
- untuk
- update
- used
- user
- using
- uživo
- vaccinate
- vaccinated
- vaccination
- vaccinations
- vaccine
- vaccines
- valentine
- valentines
- valhalla
- valuable
- value
- vans
- varicella
- vasco
- vector
- vegan
- vegetable
- veggie
- venkateswara
- venue
- verbs
- verse
- vertical
- vespa
- vetera
- vibes
- victoria
- video
- videos
- vinci
- vintage
- vinyl
- Violin Music Sheets Free Popular Songs Easy
- viral
- virginia
- vocabulary
- volcanoes
- voltage
- volvulus
- voting
- vrbo
- waiting
- walking
- walkway
- wall
- wallet
- wallpaper
- wallpapering
- wallpapers
- walls
- walmart
- walnut
- walt
- wanderlust
- warren
- wars
- wash
- washington
- wasp
- watch
- watches
- water
- watercolor
- watercolors
- waterfall
- watermark
- waves
- wayfair
- wear
- website
- websites
- wedding
- wednesday
- welcome
- went
- west
- what
- wheelbarrow
- when
- where
- whipped
- white
- whiten
- wide
- wifi
- wild
- wildfires
- wildflowers
- wildlife
- will
- williams
- windmill
- window
- windows
- winslow
- wireless
- wisdom
- wishes
- with
- woku
- wolf
- wolverine
- woman
- women
- wontumi
- wood
- wooden
- word
- words
- work
- workers
- worksheet
- worksheets
- world
- worried
- wortel
- worth
- wound
- wrangler
- write
- writing
- wrought
- wuri
- ximilu
- xmas
- yang
- yantra
- yard
- yards
- year
- years
- yeezy
- yeezys
- yellow
- york
- young
- your
- yourself
- youtube
- zaner
- zebra
- zenske
- zombies
- zoom